Florida Real Estate Properties

Education Sources

Make your dream home a reality with our expert team. We will guide you throughout your journey.

Helping you all the way is our mission.

When it comes to purchasing a new home, we believe in the power of knowledge. We understand that the process of buying a home can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially for first-time buyers. That’s why we have teamed up with HANDS of Central Florida and HELP Community Development Center. These agencies are government certified and serve the community.

They each educate the buyer in the home buying process, while helping them understand the importance in financial security. In the hopes that every family can reach the desired dream of owning a home. You may contact us or reach out to each of the organizations below to find out more about the classes they offer and inquire about the days and times that are available.


Housing And Neighborhood Development Services Of Central Florida, INC. HANDS is here to assist you in improving your credit and maintaining a budget to help you qualify for an affordable home loan. HANDS provides comprehensive, private housing counseling sessions in Orlando and the mass homeownership education seminars necessary to receive down payment assistance (like NSP and SHIP) from Central Florida cities and counties.


HELP CDC offers home buyer counseling and support from experienced, certified counselors. We take a comprehensive view of your situation; and together, we will prepare a step-by-step plan to help you reach your dream. In addition, we offer a comprehensive curriculum of educational programs and workshops. Our mission is to inspire and empower families to build financial security, stability and wealth through financial education and counseling.

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